PentaTheatre was established November 6th, 2021 by artists Samantha Barker, Dylan Borshell, Jason Downie, Mariann Sawyer and Jacob Wiley. Originally based in Southern Ontario, PentaTheatre encourages artists and amplifies their voices to create art that is unique and accessible for all. PentaTheatre is excited to create a platform where artists can grow, learn, and discover through original works, workshops and showcases.

The Five Points of PentaTheatre.

Click through the menu to learn more about our values as a company. 
  • PentaTheatre works diligently to create theatre that is accessible for all. To accomplish this we create live virtual content that can be viewed from anywhere at a low cost. In performances, workshops and rehearsals, we strive to create an environment for our patrons and artists that makes everyone feel welcome, safe and included.

  • PentaTheatre educates within our work, as well within the theatre community. We strive to tell stories that give audiences a new perspective and a new opportunity to learn or grow. PentaTheatre also has workshop opportunities, to nurture your artistic growth at any age or skill level.

  • PentaTheatre creates, promotes and produces new work that you wouldn’t be able to see anywhere else. We strive to show work that tells new stories and gives artists the opportunity to experiment with their knowledge and imagination to see what theatre could become.

  • PentaTheatre strives to step beyond the boundaries of our own town and work with artists from the greater theatre community. We welcome artists from all over to come work with us, educate others as well as the team at PentaTheatre on issues, stories, artforms. We would love to help you grow and we would love for you to help us grow.

  • PentaTheatre strives to create opportunities for artists, authors and performers from all over. Our goal is to create a large and diverse community of artists that all have vastly different experiences and stories to tell. We use virtual performance options to work with artists that are far away and we would never otherwise get the opportunity to meet.

Fostering Innovation & Creativity


Community Outreach


The Greater Community

Fostering Innovation & Creativity ⬟ Accessibility ⬟ Community Outreach ⬟ Education ⬟ The Greater Community ⬟